Psoriasis: treatment and the photo of the initial stage

The development of psoriasis in the initial phase is accompanied by the appearance of rashes in the skin in the form of red papules convex entities, the outward appearance is similar to grains. Its surface is covered by silvery or white scales that peel. Appear separately, they tend to coalesce and form large areas.


As manifested psoriasis

The defeat of the skin is accompanied by itching, signs of redness, peeling in the place of education papules. With more frequency of precipitation found in the folds of the elbows and knees. However, do not rule out its occurrence in other parts of the body, including the face, scalp, hands. As the development of psoriasis affects to all a large surface area of the body. It is contagious psoriasis or not you can ask your doctor or read our article.

Psoriasis is the initial stage in the head develops in its leather part, extends, principally, in the skin around the ears, the earlobes, the forehead, the occipital part, in the back of the surface of the neck, the leather of the part. Was also accompanied by itching, peeling of the skin due to criminal papules. The symptoms at an early stage have a weak intensity, and do not provide the concern, essential to the sick.

The appearance of psoriasis does not depend on age: in infants and preschool-age children. The causes and symptoms of development of psoriasis are similar to adults. Elements appear to be characteristic of the precipitation, accompanied by itching and desquamation. The scheme of treatment in principle is no different. The cause of psoriasis in children often becomes a hereditary predisposition. In some cases it is necessary to the child's hospitalization.

Treatment in the home

The treatment of psoriasis at home requires a comprehensive approach, oriented to combat all the external manifestations of the disease and the achievement of the receipt of the referral. When the first signs of psoriasis treatment can consist of drugs, and complemented with the use of the tools of folk medicine.

In the initial phase of the treatments that can be performed at home. They consist of:

  • the local treatment;
  • the oral administration of drugs;
  • the use of tools of traditional medicine;
  • the compliance of the diet;
  • physical therapy in day hospital.
psoriasis of the initial phase of

As a general rule, the question of how to treat psoriasis in the initial phase it is decided in conjunction with the primary care doctor-a dermatologist. In a first stage, we use preferentially the local resources for the purpose of alleviating the symptoms, speed recovery and relieve the inflammation of the skin. This non-steroid anti-inflammatory ointment of psoriasis and creams with a base of salicylic acid, Ichthyol and Naftalan ointment.

Complemented with the therapy you must take antihistamines to relieve the itching

As the therapy is applied lazeroterapiya, reflexology, acupuncture, cryotherapy, phototherapy, ufo-and-effect.

Home remedies are applied in the form of:

  • lotions, lotions to base of the herbal teas;
  • the reception in the interior of infusions and broths;
  • baths of medicinal plants;
  • the ointments of its manufacture.

Thanks to restorative and anti-inflammatory properties of the herbs and other medicinal plants can cure psoriasis forever, and you will have a greater success.

The treatment must be accompanied by compliance of the diet of food intake, the complex of vitamins-minerals, in particular vitamins of group b and vitamin D. That have a positive impact on the regulation of the processes of change, have an anti-inflammatory effect, analgesic impact, accelerate during the healing period improves the fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

A healthy life style, quiet, and psycho-emotional of the atmosphere contribute to the early recovery and prevention of exacerbation of psoriasis.

The treatment remedies

Home remedies can compliment main of pharmacotherapy, accelerate the regeneration and repair of tissues, to relieve itching and other symptoms of psoriasis.

The salt of the sea

The salt of the sea

When you see the itching and the peeling of the skin helps very well the reception of baths with sea salt and the infusion of a succession and chamomile. To prepare the infusion of 2 tablespoons of each herb beer 1 litre of water. Leave to cool and let stand for 30 minutes. Then strain and add to bath. It is also necessary to add 4-5 tablespoons of sea salt. The duration of the bath is 20 minutes. The temperature of the water should not be too high.

The grass

Also the affected area on the feet, hands, face and other parts of the body processed jars of medicinal herbs. For these purposes should be done by the spoon of tea of nettle, burdock root, licorice and calamus, a series of 2 cups of boiling water. Let it sit and cool down, clean the skin several times a day.

To relieve the itching and flaking help to the promotion of camomile flowers, roots of valerian, yarrow, pustyrnika and the tail. You should take 1 tablespoon of herbs, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Let it stand for 30 minutes, to make sure that the infusion to cool to a comfortable temperature. The hydration of pure bandage or gauze on it, zoom to problem areas at least 2 times a day.



For more rapid regeneration of the skin, the healing, the relief of the itching, the reduction of the peeling aid ointment prepared in the home.

It is made of:

  • fish oil;
  • pine wood resin;
  • aloe juice;
  • of olive oil;
  • sulfur;
  • birch tar;
  • the greater celandine;
  • overcoming-grass.

Ingredients should be taken in equal proportions. In the dough add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil. Leave overnight to infuse. Prior to the application of strain. Lubricate the affected area every day. Store in a cool, dark place with the lid closed.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil can be applied for your account. Possesses unique properties, contributing to the more rapid healing, softens and soothes the skin. The oil can be added to ointments and creams, or used separately.

The cooking of the immunity

As obshcheukrepljajushchego resources to increase the immunity in the period of exacerbation of the psoriasis, it is recommended to drink decoctions of herbs. St. john's wort, nettle leaves and dandelion have healing properties, and contribute to the increase of the vitality, but also provide a calming effect.

St. john's wort

The cooking must prepare a base of herbs mixed in equal proportions.

  1. Take 1 tablespoons of the mixture, pour clean water and put in water steam steam.
  2. Bringing to a boil, turn off and leave to cool. Take half a cup 2 times a day.
  3. Course of reception continues until that bother the symptoms of psoriasis. The prophylactic treatment must be repeated reception of 1 time every six months.

Medications at the time of exacerbation of psoriasis

The main objectives of the psoriasis treatment: eliminate symptoms and achieve a durable remission. As the drug treatment is applied to the wide range of drugs, the action is directed to the solution of these tasks.

Apply several groups of drugs:

  • corticosteroids;
  • antihistamines;
  • hormonal/non-hormonal;
  • sedatives;
  • the immunomodulators;
  • retinoids;
  • pyrogenic;
  • cytostatic.

The drugs are used in the form of ointments, creams, and pills. They are appointed in the complex and individually selected. The appointment of any type of treatment depends on the degree of severity of the psoriasis and the stage of your course.

To speed up the process of regeneration and death scales apply anti-inflammatory non-steroid ointment. These properties have salicylic acid, tar, sulphur, ointment, cream uns. This non-hormonal tool that is recommended in the time switch, to avoid the addiction.

Corticosteroids are mapped to a lack of effect of other media, as a general rule, in the later stages of development of psoriasis. The popularity of its application conditioned by high efficiency, thanks to the expressed anti-inflammatory action. One of the negative points of its frequent use is the risk of leaking of the liquid from the psoriasis the most severe in the period following the offence. Prolonged use of corticosteroids may lead to atrophy of the epidermis. It is recommended to use newspaper in the base of mandatory rest. The medications are available in the form of ointments, creams, and lotions.

Well, they have proven to be combination treatments that include corticosteroids, antibiotics, and salicylic acid.

In addition to medications that fight with all the external manifestations of psoriasis, take a sedative for the standardization of psychological background, in the period of stress, psycho-emotional excitation. These tools include valerian and motherwort.

If there is itching and allergic reactions that the therapy is complemented with the reception of an antihistamine of funds. Taken as directed and are not leaders in the combined therapy. The reception is performed by the oral route.

The diet

Treatment and prevention of psoriasis are not only related with the reception of drugs in the period of exacerbation. The patient is also required to follow the diet, for the remission duration was the longest possible time.

Of the diet it is recommended to exclude:

  • spicy food;
  • spices;
  • the coffee.

Limit the consumption of:

  • sweet;
  • chocolate;
  • honey;
  • citrus fruits, vegetables, and fruits of red – tomato, strawberry, pepper, and other;
  • the whole milk.

Under the strict prohibition of drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is one of the factors that cause the worsening of the psoriasis.

When the psoriasis, it is important to maintain the acid-base balance in the body. The diet should be mainly alkaline fruits and vegetables, and to a lesser extent, with the formation of acidic environment, that is to say, contain meat products, cereals, dairy products, potatoes.

It is also recommended to take a day a sufficient amount of liquid – not less than 1.5-2 liters of pure water without gas. Allow the juices of natural fruit, but in the total amount of energy that the fluid will not enter.

The diet needs to complement the consumption of vegetable oils with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This can be olive oil, corn oil or unrefined sunflower oil. You should add them to salads and in the preparation of other dishes. However, frying in oils is not recommended, as they lose their beneficial properties and contain a large amount of carcinogens after this type of heat treatment.

The prevention of the

In addition to all the treatment, to increase the duration of remission, to prevent the onset and the achievement of the maximum effectiveness, you must meet certain conditions:

  • avoid situations of stress disorders and psychoemotional;
  • exclude the consumption of alcohol and smoking;
  • take a vitamin-mineral complex, vitamin D, and vitamins of the group;
  • avoid sudden temperature changes and long-stay in dry places, cold or on the contrary too hot and humid;
  • to maintain the hydration of the skin and the natural balance of hydration;
  • to avoid mechanical damage of the epidermis.
  • when the appointment of the drug, it should be clarified on the presence of psoriasis, as some medicines can cause discomfort. For example, beta-blockers.

Modern medicine still can not achieve the healing of the psoriasis. The causes of its appearance also remain ambiguous. Therefore, the patient requires the care of your health and the modification of life style, the rejection of bad habits, to make the period of remission longer and a greater development of this disease.